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FREE Expressive Arts Workshop for Daughters of Holocaust Survivors


I am Second Generation (2G), a daughter of Holocaust survivors living in Englewood, and I am a firm believer in the notion that the expressive arts allow our subconscious thoughts and emotions to become more perceptible, permitting thoughts and feelings to come to the surface. Expressive art helps us become aware of our deep-rooted anxieties and depression; it helps to discuss it, learn coping skills and eventually heal. I find that expressive art helps people who suffer from Intergenerational-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxieties, depression, social skills, behavior disorders, eating disorders, loss of loved one, learning disabilities, and all other sorts of mental and physical disorders.

I am one of those who believe that 2Gs suffer Intergenerational PTSD. If we learn about the world around us from our parents, we also learn how to cope from our parents; we learn survival skills from our parents. This learning process begins in the womb; we sense our mother’s voice, preference for food, and anxieties. These sensory memories make us who we are. Images teach us about the world around us even if words are not used, but now we can use expressive art to make ourselves heard…even in our own souls.

Each year I like to offer a workshop where women can share their own stories through drawing (no talent or previous experience necessary). When we become aware of our subconscious and we are able to share our stories, the rest of the group, who share similar anxieties and trauma, become a support group. I am offering another FREE workshop that will need to be reserved with $20. The $20 will be returned to those who show up.

You can read about some of the positive experiences from a previous year here. 

Reserve your spot here


5th Annual Art Mends Hearts


Are there any dramatic changes you've been wanting to make?

The key to success in making permanent change, whether in your career, relationships, health or other areas of your life, is having expert guidance, a process that ensures consistency, and community support. Join me and a panel of experts for my upcoming New Years Resolution Challenge!

In this transformational 6-week program you’ll get:

  • Help setting clear, achievable short and long-term goals

  • Information, insights and step-by-step exercises

  • Experts who specialize in guiding you in each area

  • A private online forum to connect and share with others

  • A wealth of information for making additional changes


Sign up here and then reserve January 1st through February 11th, 2019 to train for success!

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